Course Rating Table

A Course Rating is the evaluation of the playing difficulty of a course for scratch golfers under normal course and weather conditions. It is expressed as strokes taken to one decimal place, and is based on yardage and other obstacles to the extent that they affect the scoring ability of a scratch golfer.
A Slope Rating evaluates the relative playing difficulty of a course for players who are not scratch golfers. The lowest Slope Rating is 55 and the highest is 155. A golf course of standard playing difficulty has a Slope Rating of 113.
Course ratings are determined, by permission of the World Handicap System, in accordance with the Course Rating SystemTM for the purpose of providing a uniform basis of which to issue a Handicap Index. Course Rating, Slope Rating®, and Handicap Index® are marks owned by the World Handicap System and may only be used in connection with the World Handicap SystemTM.


Course Rating



BLUE M 70 69.9 124 34.9 / 128 35.0 / 120
WHITE M 70 68.1 118 34.3 / 124 33.8 / 112
GOLD M 70 65.8 109 33.0 / 114 32.8 / 104
RED M 70 63.4 102 31.8 / 106 31.6 / 98
WHITE F 70 74.2 129 37.5 / 131 36.7 / 127
GOLD F 70 70.7 122 35.5 / 122 35.2 / 122
RED F 70 68.2 115 34.0 / 114 34.2 / 116

Green Fees 2025

9 holes: $20 Walking
  $30 w cart
18 holes: $30 Walking
  $50 w cart


9 holes: $10 Walking
18 holes: $20 Walking

Driving range:

Small bucket $3.00
Large bucket $5.00

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Weather in Rogers City

10th February, 2025 - 18:03
Clear Sky
21° 19° min 21° max
7:44 17:55
Humidity: 66 %
West Wind: 10.0

Rogers City CC is a member of The Golf Association of Michigan